Playlist December 17


“They say home is a place where you’re needed
Then I am home now, but I am leaving
To feel my feet being kissed by the seaweed
And I will be silent and kiss it back
This is not who I want you to see
It’s just adding on weight to the darkness in me
And from the little I have understood
I believe that a house by the sea would do good

They say home is a place you can choose to be
And I’ve decided to carry home inside me
So it’s not really as if I am leaving
It’s more like something pulling me
Because behind everything that I do
I just want to forget, want to carry this through
Fill my lungs with the sweet summer air.
In my heart, in my mind I am already there.
Yeah behind everything that I do
I just want to come home and lay down beside you
And then I’ll be who I wanted to be
In my heart I belong in a house by the sea.”



Decemberlistan skiljer sig kanske något från de tidigare. I alla fall inbillar jag mig så.
Nu när jag lyssnat igenom den i sin helhet har jag i alla fall slagits av tanken att radera spår, på ett sätt som jag inte annars gör.
Slutligen har jag valt att behålla listan så som den är, så som den blev i december.

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